Should You Negotiate Salary if You Dont Know if Youre Going to Accept the Job

A candidate's preference for teamwork vs individual work tin reveal a lot about their fit for a role. Acquire how successfully address this common question!

Teamwork vs Individual Work: Would You lot Rather Piece of work on a Team or Alone?

During a typical chore interview, you'll most likely exist asked many different questions related to the task and your qualifications. Some are straightforward, such as: "Why do you want to work for this company?" And some are seemingly silly: "Do you lot believe in Bigfoot?"

Just from the practical questions to the just plain oddball ones, there is one that can stump a potential candidate—the preference of teamwork vs individual work.

Now, the reason why this question is catchy is because at that place really isn't i "right" respond to give. Does the employer want y'all to be a team player, and work with a group of employees, or do they prefer individuals who are more than autonomous?

When information technology comes down to it, inquiring nearly a candidates preference in teamwork vs individual work seems to really be asking if you're an introvert or an extrovert. Chances are, you probably know which i you are. Extroverts enjoy working with others, are often outgoing, and are energized when they're around others. Introverts, on the other hand, crave quiet time and confinement, and are at their best when they are alone.

While it may seem like there's only one choice that would satisfy a potential boss, in reality, there actually are positives and negatives to working on a team and individually.We asked the FlexJobs Career Coaching team to unpack this topic with usa, and provide tips on how to handle this catchy question.

check mark icon Successfully Answering "Would you rather work on a team or lonely?"

If yous answer: "Work on a team."

The pros to working on a squad:

This might seem like the obvious respond to requite. Afterward all, collaboration is a key office of a successful team, and you lot might presume that your boss wants a new rent who can work well with other coworkers. They don't want someone who is going to be antisocial or sit silently during meetings, you reason. Extroverted people can be exciting to be around, and their outgoing nature can make them quite likeable and amenable in a group setting.

The cons of working on a team:

All that aside, stating that y'all prefer to piece of work on a team could potentially be misconstrued past a hiring director. They might think that you lot need other people'southward input and advice in order to make decisions. They could recall that existence on a team is a style to assistance you to get your own work washed. And if you lot're applying for a remote task, it could be counted against you, since yous'll need to know how to work independently in order to be successful.

If you respond: "Piece of work lone."

The pros of working alone:

Beingness able to work independently is a soft skill that many employers wait for in potential new hires. And then whether y'all're working in a regular office space or remotely, you lot're going to accept to be able to work on your ain at diverse times. Stating that you adopt to work alone conveys to an employer that you don't require much hand-holding to go the job done (which is a big bonus!). It shows that you lot're a skillful self-manager and well-nigh probable able to see your deadlines without the interference of other team players.

The cons of working lonely:

Even if you prefer to work by yourself, you might be hesitant to admit it. By stating that you enjoy working solo, you might imagine that your boss-to-exist is thinking that you'll be holed upward in your abode office, unfriendly and unwilling to appoint with your fellow colleagues. Plus, y'all may remember that y'all are sending a message that you don't like people and would adopt to piece of work alone.

communications icon Teamwork vs Private Work: Guiding The Conversation

Betoken out the positives of both private work and teamwork

One skillful way to discuss this is to incorporate the positive aspects of both options. You tin can say something like, "I enjoy both. I can work both on a team, and work alone. Depending on the project that needs to be done, I can work independently to consummate my tasks on time, but I besides enjoy brainstorming and collaborating with my colleagues." That style, your potential dominate realizes that y'all like a team environment, but you lot can also work independently, likewise.

Mention your preference but explain that you're flexible (if that'south truthful)

As stated earlier, the question of whether you adopt teamwork vs independent piece of work could be used to determine if y'all're an extrovert or an introvert—and how that personality blazon might potentially affect your piece of work performance. If yous're an introvert, you can say that you by and large savour working alone, simply explain that you tin can also work well with others, likewise. For example, "I really bask collaborating with a team and brainstorming ideas, but that doesn't mean I can't work independently to get things done. For the well-nigh function, I prefer working independently in lodge to meet my deadlines, but bask collaborating in a group to spark fresh new ideas."

Cite the chore description

When asked virtually teamwork vs private work, cite the job description as part of your answer. Yous tin say, "In the job description, it read that the right job candidate would be able to piece of work independently, and that very much fits with the way I do my all-time piece of work, too."

Let'due south say that focusing more on either teamwork or individual work isn't implicitly stated in the task description. In that case, you lot should try to decide alee of fourth dimension which of these means of working is most needed for the job, based on what yous assume to know near the position. Try to empathize your strengths and how yous actually practice adopt to piece of work, so you tin respond honestly and tactfully.

If you lot come up beyond this question during your job interview, go along in mind that you don't have to choose working independently or equally part of a team. If you lot illustrate the benefits of both working alone and on a team, your dominate will run across that y'all are a versatile job candidate who would be a bang-up addition to their company.

Want to talk through your task search and career questions with someone? You lot're in luck! FlexJobs offers depression-cost, one-on-one career coaching sessions with our experts. Acquire more today!

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