How Do We Know Babies Who Die Go to Heaven?

When a child dies, our mind floods with questions to which there are no unproblematic answers. Why would God let this to happen? What will get of him or her? How tin I go on?

Indeed, it can be difficult to comprehend why the Lord allows children to dice, given the fierce passion with which He loves them. On this side of heaven, we may never understand the purpose of a kid's death. Withal, God's Word comforts the states with the promise that we volition see our little ones once more and their salvation is secure in the blood of Christ. Let's look at answers to three mutual questions about children and heaven.

Do All Children Go to Heaven?

Scripture indicates that God judges a child differently than He judges an adult. Anyone who is old enough to know right from wrong is said to accept reached the historic period of accountability, pregnant they volition have to reply to God for their actions. Those who are as well young to sympathise the consequences of their choices are considered innocent.

When we report the volume of Deuteronomy, nosotros notice an unbelieving generation of Israelites being prevented from inbound the Promised Land while their children were exempt from that punishment (Deuteronomy 1:39). Other verses refer to young children as "innocents," indicating God treats their naïve sinful desires differently than the willful sinfulness of mature individuals (Jeremiah two:34, nineteen:4).

Think of information technology this style: When a teenager defiantly says "No!" to his parent, the result will be discipline. Only when that teen's two-year-old sister says "No!" the consequences volition be dissimilar. Instead of field of study, the 2-yr-quondam will receive patient correction and instruction; she will be taught to larn respect for her parents—something a teenager should already know. In other words, there is a difference in accountability between a immature child and an developed.

As Psalm 145:9 says, "The Lord is skillful to all, and His tender mercies are over all His works." God's goodness and mercy volition not allow Him to hold children responsible for a decision they cannot still make. Children who are too young to understand the Gospel message are covered by the blood of Christ.

Will We Be Reunited with Our Children in Heaven?

While ministering in Colorado Springs, evangelist D. L. Moody received a message that his little grandson and namesake had died. From his grieving eye, Moody wrote home, saying, "I know Dwight is having a good fourth dimension, and we should rejoice with him. What would the mansions be without children? And he has gone to help get things ready for his parents. You know the Primary said: 'The last shall exist first.' He was the last to come into our circle, and he is the showtime to go upwards there! So rubber, so gratuitous from all the sorrow that nosotros are passing through! I do thank God for such a life. Information technology was most all smiles and sunshine. What a glorified body he will take, and with what joy he will wait your coming!... You lot will have the dear little homo with you for ages and ages.... The give-and-take that keeps coming to my mind is this: 'It is well with the child.'"ane

When a child goes to heaven, information technology grieves usa to the depths, but what a comfort to know that 1 day we will be reunited, and that in Christ all is well.

What Happens to Unborn Children?

Apropos the unborn, nosotros have it on the authority of Scripture that a child is a person from the moment of conception (Psalm 139:13-sixteen; Task 10:ten-12). And the Lord entered each proper name into the Book of Life when He laid the foundations of the world (Revelation 17:8). Based on that truth, these unborn ones, for whatever reason they take been unborn, will be taken directly to heaven past the Male parent. And ane day, if we accept believed in Christ, we will run across our lost little ones again. Think, our Savior has compassion for footling children and infants, and He is not willing that fifty-fifty one of them should perish (Matthew xviii:14).

Meme: Our Savior has compassion for little children and infants

How Does the Lord Answer to Our Grief?

John 11 records the death of a human being named Lazarus. His sisters, Mary and Martha, sent for Jesus, hoping He would go far in time to heal their brother before he died. But past the fourth dimension Jesus came, Lazarus had been dead for several days. The sisters gave up promise, believing it was too tardily. Their blood brother was gone, and there was cipher to do only mourn him.

Jesus had a different plan. He intended to heal their brother, but He also wanted to grow their organized religion. He planned to heal Lazarus by raising him from the expressionless. Even though Jesus knew in that location was hope and healing for Lazarus, John tells us He was overcome by the grief of those who were mourning. "When Jesus saw [Mary] weeping, and the Jews who came with her weeping, He groaned in the spirit and was troubled" (poesy 33). And as He made His way to the tomb, "Jesus wept" (poesy 35).

Isn't that a beautiful picture of our Savior's honey? He is not some distant force or impersonal power. He is virtually and personal. He enters our sorrow and shares our grief. When we mourn, He mourns with u.s..

Returning to the story, Jesus gave instructions for the tomb to exist opened. The women couldn't understand. Martha told Him, "Lord, by this time there is a stench, for he has been dead four days" (John 11:39). Jesus insisted. They opened the tomb. Jesus prayed to the Father. Then He issued a simple command: "Lazarus, come up along!" (verse 43) And he did!

Death was never part of God's programme for us. When someone dies young, we tend to think, "It wasn't their time." Only it's never the correct fourth dimension. Fifty-fifty those who live for a hundred years die too young in God's optics. We were non meant to taste death. Our children were non meant to die. We were created for eternity (Ecclesiastes 3:11).

Meme: Death was never part of God's plan for us

When a child is lost, nosotros have the comfort of knowing that child is with God—who lovingly extends His abundant mercy and compassion to the kid and to the parents. He treats unintentional sins differently than the sins of those who take willfully rejected Him, and that gives us assurance that the souls of lost children are safe in the arms of Christ.


oneA. P. Fitt, The Life of D. Fifty. Moody (Chicago: Moody Press, n.d.), 139-140.

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What Does the Bible Say About Lucifer, Demons, and the Nephilim? Understanding the Origins of Evil

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Do I Have a Guardian Affections? And Other Questions Answered Nearly Angels

The Loss of a Loved One: Moving From Grief to Promise

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