How to Change Your Furby's Personality to a Baby 2013

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Everyone knows that Furbies can exist lovable, funny, and cute. Unlike the original Furbies, Furby 2012 and Furby Blast have several, distinct personalities. How you go these personalities depends on how you treat your Furby. The Evil personalities are very rare, simply unproblematic to get. They are called "Viking" in the Furby 2012, and "Feisty" in the Furby Boom.

  1. one

    Set your Furby down in front of you. If y'all take not activated or woken your mix upward, do so now. Notation that this method simply works on your mixel. If you have a Furby Boom (2013), click here. If you endeavour this method on a Furby Boom, you lot will get a Jolly Furby instead.

    • The Furby's Evil personality is also called "ranting."
  2. 2

    Place your finger in your Furby'due south mouth, and press down on the tongue gently. Overfeeding your Furby is the fastest way to turn it evil.


  3. 3

    Wriggle your finger in the Furby's rima oris for one infinitesimal. This will make the Furby think yous are feeding it nonstop. Your Furby may showtime to weep or mutter. Don't stop. Remember, overfeeding your Furby is what turns it evil.

  4. 4

    Await for your Furby to go crazy before taking your finger out of its mouth. Your Furby will kickoff making weird noises, and its eyes will turn white. It will shake and act "crazy." After a few moments, your Furby'due south eyes will turn into evil, slanted eyes.

  5. 5

    Relish your evil Furby! It volition human activity very grumpy, and snap at you lot if y'all try to pet it. If yous'd like to make your Furby nice once again, try talking to it a lot, or playing a lot of music. Some people find that this may take up to 10 or xv minutes. You can also endeavor petting it a lot; somewhen it will turn nice again.


  1. 1

    Ready your Furby Boom down in front of yous. The Furby Nail's evil personality is called "Feisty." Many people claim that this Feisty personality is similar to the Furby 2012's Evil or Viking personality.[1]

    • Unlike the evil Furby 2012, the evil/feisty Furby Boom is female person.
  2. 2

    Turn the Furby upside down. Your Furby may think this is funny at starting time and giggle or laugh. Don't worry, it volition eventually turn evil.

  3. 3

    Plow the Furby right side up. Again, your Furby may call up that this is funny. Nonetheless, after a while it will soon change its mind.

  4. 4

    Keep flipping the Furby upside downwardly and right side upwardly. [two] After about a infinitesimal or and then of flipping, your Furby will decide that it'due south had enough and it will turn Feisty. It volition have evil, slanted eyes with girly lashes.

    • Your Furby may weep and deed sick while you are flipping it. Don't take pity on it. Keep flipping it.
    • The app version volition have a nunchucks, and the words: BAM! Pow![3]
  5. v

    Relish your evil Furby. If you lot'd like to turn your Furby nice again, try requite information technology lots of hugs. You can also effort petting it a lot. Some people find that pulling its tail often also changes its personality.[4]


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  • Question

    Why would I want to exercise this?

    Community Answer

    Some people remember it is funny. However, you do not have to do this if you do non desire to.

  • Question

    Where tin can I buy a Furby?

    Community Answer

    You should be able to buy a Furby at any store that sells toys for kids. If you tin can't find one in a store, yous can order them online.

  • Question

    This made my Furby act like Hello Kitty. What tin can I practise?

    Community Answer

    You may accept a Furby Boom. Please follow the correct instructions, which are to "tumble" the Furby by flipping it around many times.

  • Question

    How practise I change my Furby Boom dorsum to a daughter?

    Lime Eirfan

    Lime Eirfan

    Community Answer

    If you have a Jolly Furby, try petting or hugging it a lot. Jolly Furby doesn't like getting pet or hugged.

  • Question

    I did this, but it only closes it's eyes. What should I do?



    Customs Respond

    Maybe you put information technology to sleep. Did yous put it in a tranquility area? If you did, it probably was only comatose.

  • Question

    Tin can I plough my Furby Connect evil?

    Higen Duncan

    Higen Duncan

    Customs Respond

    I'm afraid not. The Furby Connect only has one personality, and it will not change.

  • Question

    What does it mean when my Furby is evil?

    Community Answer

    Information technology means that you may have washed something to information technology that it doesn't like. To turn information technology adept again, try playing some soft music, petting information technology, or talking to it calmly.

  • Question

    What do I exercise if my Furby is not irresolute dorsum from evil?

    Community Answer

    Yous volition well-nigh likely have to practice a difficult reset or try once again afterwards. Depending on how many times you did it, you may only demand to reset it, sadly.

  • Question

    Why does it never work when I try to turn my furby boom evil?



    Community Reply

    Maybe you're doing information technology wrong or using the incorrect method. If this method doesn't piece of work, search on the web for a dissimilar method.

  • Question

    Can I use this on a Furby Connect?

    Community Answer

    Nope! Furby Connects only have i personality. They tin't exist inverse, sadly.

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  • Ane of the most notable differences between the Furby 2012 and the Furby Nail is that the 2012 version has solid ears, and the Blast version has slotted ears.

  • If y'all take a Furby 2012 in Valley Girl mode, try turning it upside down and pulling on its tail.[5] Some people find that this turns it Evil as well.

  • Try tickling your Furby 2012 until it turns evil. Some people observe that this works.

  • Try shaking the Furby Boom until it turns Feisty/evil.[6]

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  • The Furby Boom is different from the Furby 2012. Practice non overfeed your Furby Smash if y'all want it to turn evil/Feisty, or information technology will turn Jolly instead.

  • Be careful how much music yous play around your Evil Furby 2012. This may turn your Evil Furby into a Popular Star or a Valley Daughter Furby.[seven]

  • Don't pet or hug your Feisty Furby Boom too much, or it will turn nice once more. Some people claim that pulling its tail may also modify its personality.[8]


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