a b x c d G Y f X y Dx G Y is Continuous in c d

Static problems

Soap Film

Our starting point here will be the mathematical model to find the shape of soap film which is glued to the ring on the \(xy-\)plane:

\[C=\{(x,y);\;x=\cos t,\,y=\sin t,\,0\leq t\leq 2\pi \}\]

We assume the shape of the film is described by the graph \((x,y,u(x,y))\) of the vertical displacement \(u(x,y)\, (x^2+y^2<1)\) under a vertical pressure \(p\) in terms of force per unit area and an initial tension \(\mu\) in terms of force per unit length.

Consider the "small plane" ABCD, A:\((x,y,u(x,y))\), B:\((x,y,u(x+\delta x,y))\), C:\((x,y,u(x+\delta x,y+\delta y))\) and D:\((x,y,u(x,y+\delta y))\).

Denote by \(\vec{n}(x,y)=(n_x(x,y),n_y(x,y),n_z(x,y))\) the normal vector of the surface \(z=u(x,y)\). We see that the vertical force due to the tension \(\mu\) acting along the edge AD is \(-\mu n_x(x,y)\delta y\) and the the vertical force acting along the edge AD is:

\[\mu n_x(x+\delta x,y)\delta y\simeq \mu\left(n_x(x,y)+\frac{\p n_x}{\p x}\delta x\right)(x,y)\delta y\]


Similarly, for the edges AB and DC we have:

\[-\mu n_y(x,y)\delta x,\quad\mu\left(n_y(x,y)+\p n_y/\p y\right)(x,y)\delta x\]

The force in the vertical direction on the surface ABCD due to the tension \(\mu\) is given by:

\[\mu\left(\p n_x/\p x\right)\delta x\delta y+T\left(\p n_y/\p y\right)\delta y\delta x\]

Assuming small displacements, we have:

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{rcccl} \nu_x&=&(\p u/\p x)/\sqrt{1+(\p u/\p x)^2+(\p u/\p y)^2}&\simeq& \p u/\p x,\\ \nu_y&=&(\p u/\p y)/\sqrt{1+(\p u/\p x)^2+(\p u/\p y)^2}&\simeq& \p u/\p y \end{array}\end{split}\]

Letting \(\delta x\to dx,\, \delta y\to dy\), we have the equilibrium of the vertical displacement of soap film on ABCD by \(p\):

\[\mu dx dy\p^2 u/\p x^2 +\mu dx dy\p^2 u/\p y^2 + p dx dy = 0\]

Using the Laplace operator \(\Delta = \p^2 /\p x^2 + \p^2 /\p y^2\), we can find the virtual displacement write the following:

\[-\Delta u = f\quad \mbox{in }\Omega\]

where \(f=p/\mu\), \(\Omega =\{(x,y);\;x^{2}+y^{2}<1\}\).

Poisson's equation appears also in electrostatics taking the form of \(f=\rho / \epsilon\) where \(\rho\) is the charge density, \(\epsilon\) the dielectric constant and \(u\) is named as electrostatic potential.

The soap film is glued to the ring \(\p \Omega =C\), then we have the boundary condition:

\[u=0\quad \mbox{on }\p \Omega\]

If the force is gravity, for simplify, we assume that \(f=-1\).

                                            1                            // Parameters                              2                            int              nn              =              50              ;                              3                            func              f              =              -              1              ;                              4                            func              ue              =              (              x              ^              2              +              y              ^              2              -              1              )              /              4              ;              //ue: exact solution                              5                                            6                            // Mesh                              7                            border              a              (              t              =              0              ,              2              *              pi              ){              x              =              cos              (              t              );              y              =              sin              (              t              );              label              =              1              ;}                              8                            mesh              disk              =              buildmesh              (              a              (              nn              ));                              9                            plot              (              disk              );              10                            11                            // Fespace              12                            fespace              femp1              (              disk              ,              P1              );              13                            femp1              u              ,              v              ;              14                            15                            // Problem              16                            problem              laplace              (              u              ,              v              )              17                            =              int2d              (              disk              )(              //bilinear form              18                            dx              (              u              )              *              dx              (              v              )              19                            +              dy              (              u              )              *              dy              (              v              )              20                            )              21                            -              int2d              (              disk              )(              //linear form              22                            f              *              v              23                            )              24                            +              on              (              1              ,              u              =              0              )              //boundary condition              25                            ;              26                            27                            // Solve              28                            laplace              ;              29                            30                            // Plot              31                            plot              (              u              ,              value              =              true              ,              wait              =              true              );              32                            33                            // Error              34                            femp1              err              =              u              -              ue              ;              35                            plot              (              err              ,              value              =              true              ,              wait              =              true              );              36                            37                            cout              <<              "error L2 = "              <<              sqrt              (              int2d              (              disk              )(              err              ^              2              )              )              <<              endl              ;              38                            cout              <<              "error H10 = "              <<              sqrt              (              int2d              (              disk              )((              dx              (              u              )              -              x              /              2              )              ^              2              )              +              int2d              (              disk              )((              dy              (              u              )              -              y              /              2              )              ^              2              )              )              <<              endl              ;              39                            40                            /// Re-run with a mesh adaptation ///              41                            42                            // Mesh adaptation              43                            disk              =              adaptmesh              (              disk              ,              u              ,              err              =              0.01              );              44                            plot              (              disk              ,              wait              =              true              );              45                            46                            // Solve              47                            laplace              ;              48                            plot              (              u              ,              value              =              true              ,              wait              =              true              );              49                            50                            // Error              51                            err              =              u              -              ue              ;              //become FE-function on adapted mesh              52                            plot              (              err              ,              value              =              true              ,              wait              =              true              );              53                            54                            cout              <<              "error L2 = "              <<              sqrt              (              int2d              (              disk              )(              err              ^              2              )              )              <<              endl              ;              55                            cout              <<              "error H10 = "              <<              sqrt              (              int2d              (              disk              )((              dx              (              u              )              -              x              /              2              )              ^              2              )              +              int2d              (              disk              )((              dy              (              u              )              -              y              /              2              )              ^              2              )              )              <<              endl              ;            

Fig. 134 Isovalue of \(u\)


Fig. 135 A side view of \(u\)

In the 37th line, the \(L^2\)-error estimation between the exact solution \(u_e\),

\[\|u_h - u_e\|_{0,\Omega}=\left(\int_{\Omega}|u_h-u_e|^2\, \d x\d y\right)^{1/2}\]

and in the following line, the \(H^1\)-error seminorm estimation:

\[|u_h - u_e|_{1,\Omega}=\left(\int_{\Omega}|\nabla u_h-\nabla u_e|^2\, \d x\d y\right)^{1/2}\]

are done on the initial mesh. The results are \(\|u_h - u_e\|_{0,\Omega}=0.000384045,\, |u_h - u_e|_{1,\Omega}=0.0375506\).

After the adaptation, we have \(\|u_h - u_e\|_{0,\Omega}=0.000109043,\, |u_h - u_e|_{1,\Omega}=0.0188411\). So the numerical solution is improved by adaptation of mesh.


We assume that there is no current and a time independent charge distribution. Then the electric field \(\mathbf{E}\) satisfies:

(48)\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{rcl} \mathrm{div}\mathbf{E} &=& \rho/\epsilon\\ \mathrm{curl}\mathbf{E} &=& 0 \end{array}\end{split}\]

where \(\rho\) is the charge density and \(\epsilon\) is called the permittivity of free space.

From the equation (48) We can introduce the electrostatic potential such that \(\mathbf{E}=-\nabla \phi\). Then we have Poisson's equation \(-\Delta \phi=f\), \(f=-\rho/\epsilon\).

We now obtain the equipotential line which is the level curve of \(\phi\), when there are no charges except conductors \(\{C_i\}_{1,\cdots,K}\). Let us assume \(K\) conductors \(C_1,\cdots,C_K\) within an enclosure \(C_0\).

Each one is held at an electrostatic potential \(\varphi_i\). We assume that the enclosure \(C0\) is held at potential 0. In order to know \(\varphi(x)\) at any point \(x\) of the domain \(\Omega\), we must solve:

\[-\Delta \varphi =0\quad \textrm{ in }\Omega\]

where \(\Omega\) is the interior of \(C_0\) minus the conductors \(C_i\), and \(\Gamma\) is the boundary of \(\Omega\), that is \(\sum_{i=0}^N C_i\).

Here \(g\) is any function of \(x\) equal to \(\varphi_i\) on \(C_i\) and to 0 on \(C_0\). The boundary equation is a reduced form for:

\[\varphi =\varphi_{i}\;\text{on }C_{i},\;i=1...N,\varphi =0\;\text{on }C_{0}.\]

First we give the geometrical informations; \(C_0=\{(x,y);\; x^2+y^2=5^2\}\), \(C_1=\{(x,y):\;\frac{1}{0.3^2}(x-2)^2+\frac{1}{3^2}y^2=1\}\), \(C_2=\{(x,y):\; \frac{1}{0.3^2}(x+2)^2+\frac{1}{3^2}y^2=1\}\).

Let \(\Omega\) be the disk enclosed by \(C_0\) with the elliptical holes enclosed by \(C_1\) and \(C_2\). Note that \(C_0\) is described counterclockwise, whereas the elliptical holes are described clockwise, because the boundary must be oriented so that the computational domain is to its left.

                                            1                            // Mesh                              2                            border              C0              (              t              =              0              ,              2              *              pi              ){              x              =              5              *              cos              (              t              );              y              =              5              *              sin              (              t              );}                              3                            border              C1              (              t              =              0              ,              2              *              pi              ){              x              =              2              +              0.3              *              cos              (              t              );              y              =              3              *              sin              (              t              );}                              4                            border              C2              (              t              =              0              ,              2              *              pi              ){              x              =-              2              +              0.3              *              cos              (              t              );              y              =              3              *              sin              (              t              );}                              5                                            6                            mesh              Th              =              buildmesh              (              C0              (              60              )              +              C1              (              -              50              )              +              C2              (              -              50              ));                              7                            plot              (              Th              );                              8                                            9                            // Fespace              10                            fespace              Vh              (              Th              ,              P1              );              11                            Vh              uh              ,              vh              ;              12                            13                            // Problem              14                            problem              Electro              (              uh              ,              vh              )              15                            =              int2d              (              Th              )(              //bilinear              16                            dx              (              uh              )              *              dx              (              vh              )              17                            +              dy              (              uh              )              *              dy              (              vh              )              18                            )              19                            +              on              (              C0              ,              uh              =              0              )              //boundary condition on C_0              20                            +              on              (              C1              ,              uh              =              1              )              //+1 volt on C_1              21                            +              on              (              C2              ,              uh              =-              1              )              //-1 volt on C_2              22                            ;              23                            24                            // Solve              25                            Electro              ;              26                            plot              (              uh              );            

Fig. 136 Disk with two elliptical holes


Fig. 137 Equipotential lines where \(C_1\) is located in right hand side


Let us consider a wing profile \(S\) in a uniform flow. Infinity will be represented by a large circle \(\Gamma_{\infty}\). As previously, we must solve:

(49)\[\Delta \varphi=0\quad\textrm{in }\Omega, \quad \varphi|_S=c,\quad \varphi|_{\Gamma_{\infty}}=u_{\infty 1x}-u_{\infty2x}\]

where \(\Omega\) is the area occupied by the fluid, \(u_{\infty}\) is the air speed at infinity, \(c\) is a constant to be determined so that \(\p_n\varphi\) is continuous at the trailing edge \(P\) of \(S\) (so-called Kutta-Joukowski condition). Lift is proportional to \(c\).

To find \(c\) we use a superposition method. As all equations in (49) are linear, the solution \(\varphi_c\) is a linear function of \(c\)

\[\varphi_c = \varphi_0 + c\varphi_1\]

where \(\varphi_0\) is a solution of (49) with \(c = 0\) and \(\varphi_1\) is a solution with \(c = 1\) and zero speed at infinity.

With these two fields computed, we shall determine \(c\) by requiring the continuity of \(\p \varphi /\p n\) at the trailing edge. An equation for the upper surface of a NACA0012 (this is a classical wing profile in aerodynamics; the rear of the wing is called the trailing edge) is:

\[y = 0.17735\sqrt{x} - 0.075597x - 0.212836x^2 + 0.17363x^3 - 0.06254x^4\]

Taking an incidence angle \(\alpha\) such that \(\tan \alpha = 0.1\), we must solve:

\[-\Delta\varphi = 0\qquad \textrm{in }\Omega, \quad \varphi|_{\Gamma_1} = y - 0.1x,\quad \varphi |_{\Gamma_2} = c\]

where \(\Gamma_2\) is the wing profile and \(\Gamma_1\) is an approximation of infinity. One finds \(c\) by solving:

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{ccccccc} -\Delta\varphi_0 &= 0 &\textrm{in }\Omega&,\qquad \varphi_0|_{\Gamma_1} &= y - 0.1x&, \quad \varphi_0|_{\Gamma_2} &= 0,\\ -\Delta\varphi_1 &= 0 &\textrm{in }\Omega&, \qquad \varphi_1|_{\Gamma_1} &= 0&, \quad \varphi_1|_{\Gamma_2} &= 1 \end{array}\end{split}\]

The solution \(\varphi = \varphi_0+c\varphi_1\) allows us to find \(c\) by writing that \(\p_n\varphi\) has no jump at the trailing edge \(P = (1, 0)\).

We have \(\p n\varphi -(\varphi (P^+)-\varphi (P))/\delta\) where \(P^+\) is the point just above \(P\) in the direction normal to the profile at a distance \(\delta\). Thus the jump of \(\p_n\varphi\) is \((\varphi_0|_{P^+} +c(\varphi_1|_{P^+} -1))+(\varphi_0|_{P^-} +c(\varphi_1|_{P^-} -1))\) divided by \(\delta\) because the normal changes sign between the lower and upper surfaces. Thus

\[c = -\frac{\varphi_0|_{P^+} + \varphi_0|_{P^-}} {(\varphi_1|_{P^+} + \varphi_1|_{P^-} - 2)} ,\]

which can be programmed as:

\[c = -\frac{\varphi_0(0.99, 0.01) + \varphi_0(0.99,-0.01)} {(\varphi_1(0.99, 0.01) + \varphi_1(0.99,-0.01) - 2)} .\]

                                            1                            // Mesh                              2                            border              a              (              t              =              0              ,              2              *              pi              ){              x              =              5              *              cos              (              t              );              y              =              5              *              sin              (              t              );}                              3                            border              upper              (              t              =              0              ,              1              )              {                              4                            x              =              t              ;                              5                            y              =              0.17735              *              sqrt              (              t              )              -              0.075597              *              t              -              0.212836              *              (              t              ^              2              )              +              0.17363              *              (              t              ^              3              )              -              0.06254              *              (              t              ^              4              );                              6                            }                              7                            border              lower              (              t              =              1              ,              0              )              {                              8                            x              =              t              ;                              9                            y              =-              (              0.17735              *              sqrt              (              t              )              -              0.075597              *              t              -              0.212836              *              (              t              ^              2              )              +              0.17363              *              (              t              ^              3              )              -              0.06254              *              (              t              ^              4              ));              10                            }              11                            border              c              (              t              =              0              ,              2              *              pi              ){              x              =              0.8              *              cos              (              t              )              +              0.5              ;              y              =              0.8              *              sin              (              t              );}              12                            13                            mesh              Zoom              =              buildmesh              (              c              (              30              )              +              upper              (              35              )              +              lower              (              35              ));              14                            mesh              Th              =              buildmesh              (              a              (              30              )              +              upper              (              35              )              +              lower              (              35              ));              15                            16                            // Fespace              17                            fespace              Vh              (              Th              ,              P2              );              18                            Vh              psi0              ,              psi1              ,              vh              ;              19                            20                            fespace              ZVh              (              Zoom              ,              P2              );              21                            22                            // Problem              23                            solve              Joukowski0              (              psi0              ,              vh              )              24                            =              int2d              (              Th              )(              25                            dx              (              psi0              )              *              dx              (              vh              )              26                            +              dy              (              psi0              )              *              dy              (              vh              )              27                            )              28                            +              on              (              a              ,              psi0              =              y              -              0.1              *              x              )              29                            +              on              (              upper              ,              lower              ,              psi0              =              0              )              30                            ;              31                            32                            plot              (              psi0              );              33                            34                            solve              Joukowski1              (              psi1              ,              vh              )              35                            =              int2d              (              Th              )(              36                            dx              (              psi1              )              *              dx              (              vh              )              37                            +              dy              (              psi1              )              *              dy              (              vh              )              38                            )              39                            +              on              (              a              ,              psi1              =              0              )              40                            +              on              (              upper              ,              lower              ,              psi1              =              1              );              41                            42                            plot              (              psi1              );              43                            44                            //continuity of pressure at trailing edge              45                            real              beta              =              psi0              (              0.99              ,              0.01              )              +              psi0              (              0.99              ,              -              0.01              );              46                            beta              =              -              beta              /              (              psi1              (              0.99              ,              0.01              )              +              psi1              (              0.99              ,              -              0.01              )              -              2              );              47                            48                            Vh              psi              =              beta              *              psi1              +              psi0              ;              49                            plot              (              psi              );              50                            51                            ZVh              Zpsi              =              psi              ;              52                            plot              (              Zpsi              ,              bw              =              true              );              53                            54                            ZVh              cp              =              -              dx              (              psi              )              ^              2              -              dy              (              psi              )              ^              2              ;              55                            plot              (              cp              );              56                            57                            ZVh              Zcp              =              cp              ;              58                            plot              (              Zcp              ,              nbiso              =              40              );            

Fig. 138 Isovalue of \(cp = -(\p_x\psi)^2 - (\p_y\psi)^2\)


Fig. 139 Zooming of \(cp\)

Error estimation

There are famous estimation between the numerical result \(u_h\) and the exact solution \(u\) of the Poisson's problem:

If triangulations \(\{\mathcal{T}_h\}_{h\downarrow 0}\) is regular (see Regular Triangulation), then we have the estimates:

(50)\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{rcl} |\nabla u - \nabla u_h|_{0,\Omega} &\le& C_1h \\ \|u - u_h\|_{0,\Omega} &\le& C_2h^2 \end{array}\end{split}\]

with constants \(C_1,\, C_2\) independent of \(h\), if \(u\) is in \(H^2(\Omega)\). It is known that \(u\in H^2(\Omega)\) if \(\Omega\) is convex.

In this section we check (50). We will pick up numericall error if we use the numerical derivative, so we will use the following for (50).

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{rcl} \int_{\Omega}|\nabla u - \nabla u_h|^2\, \d x\d y &=&\int_{\Omega}\nabla u\cdot \nabla(u - 2u_h)\, \d x\d y+ \int_{\Omega}\nabla u_h\cdot \nabla u_h\, \d x\d y\\ &=&\int_{\Omega}f(u-2u_h)\, \d x\d y+\int_{\Omega}fu_h\, \d x\d y \end{array}\end{split}\]

The constants \(C_1,\, C_2\) are depend on \(\mathcal{T}_h\) and \(f\), so we will find them by FreeFEM.

In general, we cannot get the solution \(u\) as a elementary functions even if spetical functions are added. Instead of the exact solution, here we use the approximate solution \(u_0\) in \(V_h(\mathcal{T}_h,P_2),\, h\sim 0\).

                                            1                            // Parameters                              2                            func              f              =              x              *              y              ;                              3                                            4                            //Mesh                              5                            mesh              Th0              =              square              (              100              ,              100              );                              6                                            7                            // Fespace                              8                            fespace              V0h              (              Th0              ,              P2              );                              9                            V0h              u0              ,              v0              ;              10                            11                            // Problem              12                            solve              Poisson0              (              u0              ,              v0              )              13                            =              int2d              (              Th0              )(              14                            dx              (              u0              )              *              dx              (              v0              )              15                            +              dy              (              u0              )              *              dy              (              v0              )              16                            )              17                            -              int2d              (              Th0              )(              18                            f              *              v0              19                            )              20                            +              on              (              1              ,              2              ,              3              ,              4              ,              u0              =              0              )              21                            ;              22                            plot              (              u0              );              23                            24                            // Error loop              25                            real              [              int              ]              errL2              (              10              ),              errH1              (              10              );              26                            for              (              int              i              =              1              ;              i              <=              10              ;              i              ++              ){              27                            // Mesh              28                            mesh              Th              =              square              (              5              +              i              *              3              ,              5              +              i              *              3              );              29                            30                            // Fespace              31                            fespace              Vh              (              Th              ,              P1              );              32                            Vh              u              ,              v              ;              33                            fespace              Ph              (              Th              ,              P0              );              34                            Ph              h              =              hTriangle              ;              //get the size of all triangles              35                            36                            // Problem              37                            solve              Poisson              (              u              ,              v              )              38                            =              int2d              (              Th              )(              39                            dx              (              u              )              *              dx              (              v              )              40                            +              dy              (              u              )              *              dy              (              v              )              41                            )              42                            -              int2d              (              Th              )(              43                            f              *              v              44                            )              45                            +              on              (              1              ,              2              ,              3              ,              4              ,              u              =              0              )              46                            ;              47                            48                            // Error              49                            V0h              uu              =              u              ;              //interpolate solution on first mesh              50                            errL2              [              i              -              1              ]              =              sqrt              (              int2d              (              Th0              )((              uu              -              u0              )              ^              2              )              )              /              h              [].              max              ^              2              ;              51                            errH1              [              i              -              1              ]              =              sqrt              (              int2d              (              Th0              )(              f              *              (              u0              -              2              *              uu              +              uu              ))              )              /              h              [].              max              ;              52                            }              53                            54                            // Display              55                            cout              <<              "C1 = "              <<              errL2              .              max              <<              "("              <<              errL2              .              min              <<              ")"              <<              endl              ;              56                            cout              <<              "C2 = "              <<              errH1              .              max              <<              "("              <<              errH1              .              min              <<              ")"              <<              endl              ;            

We can guess that \(C_1=0.0179253(0.0173266)\) and \(C_2=0.0729566(0.0707543)\), where the numbers inside the parentheses are minimum in calculation.

Periodic Boundary Conditions

We now solve the Poisson equation:

\[-\Delta u = sin(x+\pi/4.)*cos(y+\pi/4.)\]

on the square \(]0,2\pi[^2\) under bi-periodic boundary condition \(u(0,y)=u(2\pi,y)\) for all \(y\) and \(u(x,0)=u(x,2\pi)\) for all \(x\).

These boundary conditions are achieved from the definition of the periodic finite element space.

                                            1                            // Parameters                              2                            func              f              =              sin              (              x              +              pi              /              4.              )              *              cos              (              y              +              pi              /              4.              );              //right hand side                              3                                            4                            // Mesh                              5                            mesh              Th              =              square              (              10              ,              10              ,              [              2              *              x              *              pi              ,              2              *              y              *              pi              ]);                              6                                            7                            // Fespace                              8                            //defined the fespace with periodic condition                              9                            //label: 2 and 4 are left and right side with y the curve abscissa              10                            //       1 and 2 are bottom and upper side with x the curve abscissa              11                            fespace              Vh              (              Th              ,              P2              ,              periodic              =              [[              2              ,              y              ],              [              4              ,              y              ],              [              1              ,              x              ],              [              3              ,              x              ]]);              12                            Vh              uh              ,              vh              ;              13                            14                            // Problem              15                            problem              laplace              (              uh              ,              vh              )              16                            =              int2d              (              Th              )(              17                            dx              (              uh              )              *              dx              (              vh              )              18                            +              dy              (              uh              )              *              dy              (              vh              )              19                            )              20                            +              int2d              (              Th              )(              21                            -              f              *              vh              22                            )              23                            ;              24                            25                            // Solve              26                            laplace              ;              27                            28                            // Plot              29                            plot              (              uh              ,              value              =              true              );            

Fig. 140 The isovalue of solution \(u\) with periodic boundary condition

The periodic condition does not necessarily require parallel boundaries. The following example give such example.


Periodic boundary conditions - non-parallel boundaries

                                                  1                                // Parameters                                  2                                int                n                =                10                ;                                  3                                real                r                =                0.25                ;                                  4                                real                r2                =                1.732                ;                                  5                                func                f                =                (                y                +                x                +                1                )                *                (                y                +                x                -                1                )                *                (                y                -                x                +                1                )                *                (                y                -                x                -                1                );                                  6                                                  7                                // Mesh                                  8                                border                a                (                t                =                0                ,                1                ){                x                =-                t                +                1                ;                y                =                t                ;                label                =                1                ;};                                  9                                border                b                (                t                =                0                ,                1                ){                x                =-                t                ;                y                =                1                -                t                ;                label                =                2                ;};                10                                border                c                (                t                =                0                ,                1                ){                x                =                t                -                1                ;                y                =-                t                ;                label                =                3                ;};                11                                border                d                (                t                =                0                ,                1                ){                x                =                t                ;                y                =-                1                +                t                ;                label                =                4                ;};                12                                border                e                (                t                =                0                ,                2                *                pi                ){                x                =                r                *                cos                (                t                );                y                =-                r                *                sin                (                t                );                label                =                0                ;};                13                                mesh                Th                =                buildmesh                (                a                (                n                )                +                b                (                n                )                +                c                (                n                )                +                d                (                n                )                +                e                (                n                ));                14                                plot                (                Th                ,                wait                =                true                );                15                                16                                // Fespace                17                                //warning for periodic condition:                18                                //side a and c                19                                //on side a (label 1) $ x \in [0,1] $ or $ x-y\in [-1,1] $                20                                //on side c (label 3) $ x \in [-1,0]$ or $ x-y\in[-1,1] $                21                                //so the common abscissa can be respectively $x$ and $x+1$                22                                //or you can can try curviline abscissa $x-y$ and $x-y$                23                                //1 first way                24                                //fespace Vh(Th, P2, periodic=[[2, 1+x], [4, x], [1, x], [3, 1+x]]);                25                                //2 second way                26                                fespace                Vh                (                Th                ,                P2                ,                periodic                =                [[                2                ,                x                +                y                ],                [                4                ,                x                +                y                ],                [                1                ,                x                -                y                ],                [                3                ,                x                -                y                ]]);                27                                Vh                uh                ,                vh                ;                28                                29                                // Problem                30                                real                intf                =                int2d                (                Th                )(                f                );                31                                real                mTh                =                int2d                (                Th                )(                1                );                32                                real                k                =                intf                /                mTh                ;                33                                problem                laplace                (                uh                ,                vh                )                34                                =                int2d                (                Th                )(                35                                dx                (                uh                )                *                dx                (                vh                )                36                                +                dy                (                uh                )                *                dy                (                vh                )                37                                )                38                                +                int2d                (                Th                )(                39                                (                k                -                f                )                *                vh                40                                )                41                                ;                42                                43                                // Solve                44                                laplace                ;                45                                46                                // Plot                47                                plot                (                uh                ,                wait                =                true                );              

Fig. 141 The isovalue of solution \(u\) for \(\Delta u = ((y+x)^{2}+1)((y-x)^{2}+1) - k\), in \(\Omega\) and \(\p_{n} u =0\) on hole, and with two periodic boundary condition on external border

An other example with no equal border, just to see if the code works.


Periodic boundary conditions - non-equal border

                                                  1                                // Macro                                  2                                //irregular boundary condition to build border AB                                  3                                macro                LINEBORDER                (                A                ,                B                ,                lab                )                                  4                                border                A                #                B                (                t                =                0                ,                1                ){                real                t1                =                1.                -                t                ;                                  5                                x                =                A                #                x                *                t1                +                B                #                x                *                t                ;                                  6                                y                =                A                #                y                *                t1                +                B                #                y                *                t                ;                                  7                                label                =                lab                ;                }                //EOM                                  8                                // compute \||AB|\| A=(ax,ay) et B =(bx,by)                                  9                                macro                dist                (                ax                ,                ay                ,                bx                ,                by                )                10                                sqrt                (                square                ((                ax                )                -                (                bx                ))                +                square                ((                ay                )                -                (                by                )))                //EOM                11                                macro                Grad                (                u                )                [                dx                (                u                ),                dy                (                u                )]                //EOM                12                                13                                // Parameters                14                                int                n                =                10                ;                15                                real                Ax                =                0.9                ,                Ay                =                1                ;                16                                real                Bx                =                2                ,                By                =                1                ;                17                                real                Cx                =                2.5                ,                Cy                =                2.5                ;                18                                real                Dx                =                1                ,                Dy                =                2                ;                19                                real                gx                =                (                Ax                +                Bx                +                Cx                +                Dx                )                /                4.                ;                20                                real                gy                =                (                Ay                +                By                +                Cy                +                Dy                )                /                4.                ;                21                                22                                // Mesh                23                                LINEBORDER                (                A                ,                B                ,                1                )                24                                LINEBORDER                (                B                ,                C                ,                2                )                25                                LINEBORDER                (                C                ,                D                ,                3                )                26                                LINEBORDER                (                D                ,                A                ,                4                )                27                                mesh                Th                =                buildmesh                (                AB                (                n                )                +                BC                (                n                )                +                CD                (                n                )                +                DA                (                n                ),                fixedborder                =                1                );                28                                29                                // Fespace                30                                real                l1                =                dist                (                Ax                ,                Ay                ,                Bx                ,                By                );                31                                real                l2                =                dist                (                Bx                ,                By                ,                Cx                ,                Cy                );                32                                real                l3                =                dist                (                Cx                ,                Cy                ,                Dx                ,                Dy                );                33                                real                l4                =                dist                (                Dx                ,                Dy                ,                Ax                ,                Ay                );                34                                func                s1                =                dist                (                Ax                ,                Ay                ,                x                ,                y                )                /                l1                ;                //absisse on AB = ||AX||/||AB||                35                                func                s2                =                dist                (                Bx                ,                By                ,                x                ,                y                )                /                l2                ;                //absisse on BC = ||BX||/||BC||                36                                func                s3                =                dist                (                Cx                ,                Cy                ,                x                ,                y                )                /                l3                ;                //absisse on CD = ||CX||/||CD||                37                                func                s4                =                dist                (                Dx                ,                Dy                ,                x                ,                y                )                /                l4                ;                //absisse on DA = ||DX||/||DA||                38                                verbosity                =                6                ;                //to see the abscisse value of the periodic condition                39                                fespace                Vh                (                Th                ,                P1                ,                periodic                =                [[                1                ,                s1                ],                [                3                ,                s3                ],                [                2                ,                s2                ],                [                4                ,                s4                ]]);                40                                verbosity                =                1                ;                //reset verbosity                41                                Vh                u                ,                v                ;                42                                43                                real                cc                =                0                ;                44                                cc                =                int2d                (                Th                )((                x                -                gx                )                *                (                y                -                gy                )                -                cc                )                /                Th                .                area                ;                45                                cout                <<                "compatibility = "                <<                int2d                (                Th                )((                x                -                gx                )                *                (                y                -                gy                )                -                cc                )                <<                endl                ;                46                                47                                // Problem                48                                solve                Poisson                (                u                ,                v                )                49                                =                int2d                (                Th                )(                50                                Grad                (                u                )                '*                Grad                (                v                )                51                                +                1e-10                *                u                *                v                52                                )                53                                -                int2d                (                Th                )(                54                                10                *                v                *                ((                x                -                gx                )                *                (                y                -                gy                )                -                cc                )                55                                )                56                                ;                57                                58                                // Plot                59                                plot                (                u                ,                value                =                true                );              


Periodic boundry conditions - Poisson cube-balloon

                                                  1                                load                "msh3"                load                "tetgen"                load                "                medit                "                                  2                                                  3                                // Parameters                                  4                                real                hs                =                0.1                ;                //mesh size on sphere                                  5                                int                [                int                ]                N                =                [                20                ,                20                ,                20                ];                                  6                                real                [                int                ,                int                ]                B                =                [[                -                1                ,                1                ],                [                -                1                ,                1                ],                [                -                1                ,                1                ]];                                  7                                int                [                int                ,                int                ]                L                =                [[                1                ,                2                ],                [                3                ,                4                ],                [                5                ,                6                ]];                                  8                                                  9                                real                x0                =                0.3                ,                y0                =                0.4                ,                z0                =                06                ;                10                                func                f                =                sin                (                x                *                2                *                pi                +                x0                )                *                sin                (                y                *                2                *                pi                +                y0                )                *                sin                (                z                *                2                *                pi                +                z0                );                11                                12                                // Mesh                13                                bool                buildTh                =                0                ;                14                                mesh3                Th                ;                15                                try                {                //a way to build one time the mesh or read it if the file exist                16                                Th                =                readmesh3                (                "Th-hex-sph.mesh"                );                17                                }                18                                catch                (...){                19                                buildTh                =                1                ;                20                                }                21                                22                                if                (                buildTh                ){                23                                include                "MeshSurface.idp"                24                                25                                // Surface Mesh                26                                mesh3                ThH                =                SurfaceHex                (                N                ,                B                ,                L                ,                1                );                27                                mesh3                ThS                =                Sphere                (                0.5                ,                hs                ,                7                ,                1                );                28                                29                                mesh3                ThHS                =                ThH                +                ThS                ;                30                                31                                real                voltet                =                (                hs                ^                3                )                /                6.                ;                32                                real                [                int                ]                domain                =                [                0                ,                0                ,                0                ,                1                ,                voltet                ,                0                ,                0                ,                0.7                ,                2                ,                voltet                ];                33                                Th                =                tetg                (                ThHS                ,                switch                =                "pqaAAYYQ"                ,                nbofregions                =                2                ,                regionlist                =                domain                );                34                                35                                savemesh                (                Th                ,                "Th-hex-sph.mesh"                );                36                                }                37                                38                                // Fespace                39                                fespace                Ph                (                Th                ,                P0                );                40                                Ph                reg                =                region                ;                41                                cout                <<                " centre = "                <<                reg                (                0                ,                0                ,                0                )                <<                endl                ;                42                                cout                <<                " exterieur = "                <<                reg                (                0                ,                0                ,                0.7                )                <<                endl                ;                43                                44                                verbosity                =                50                ;                45                                fespace                Vh                (                Th                ,                P1                ,                periodic                =                [[                3                ,                x                ,                z                ],                [                4                ,                x                ,                z                ],                [                1                ,                y                ,                z                ],                [                2                ,                y                ,                z                ],                [                5                ,                x                ,                y                ],                [                6                ,                x                ,                y                ]]);                46                                verbosity                =                1                ;                47                                Vh                uh                ,                vh                ;                48                                49                                // Macro                50                                macro                Grad                (                u                )                [                dx                (                u                ),                dy                (                u                ),                dz                (                u                )]                // EOM                51                                52                                // Problem                53                                problem                Poisson                (                uh                ,                vh                )                54                                =                int3d                (                Th                ,                1                )(                55                                Grad                (                uh                )                '*                Grad                (                vh                )                *                100                56                                )                57                                +                int3d                (                Th                ,                2                )(                58                                Grad                (                uh                )                '*                Grad                (                vh                )                *                2                59                                )                60                                +                int3d                (                Th                )(                61                                vh                *                f                62                                )                63                                ;                64                                65                                // Solve                66                                Poisson                ;                67                                68                                // Plot                69                                plot                (                uh                ,                wait                =                true                ,                nbiso                =                6                );                70                                medit                (                "uh"                ,                Th                ,                uh                );              

Fig. 142 View of the surface isovalue of periodic solution \(uh\)


Fig. 143 View a the cut of the solution \(uh\) with ffmedit

Poisson Problems with mixed boundary condition

Here we consider the Poisson equation with mixed boundary conditions:

For given functions \(f\) and \(g\), find \(u\) such that:

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{rcll} -\Delta u &=& f & \textrm{ in }\Omega\\ u &=& g &\textrm{ on }\Gamma_D\\ \p u/\p n &=& 0 &\textrm{ on }\Gamma_N \end{array}\end{split}\]

where \(\Gamma_D\) is a part of the boundary \(\Gamma\) and \(\Gamma_N=\Gamma\setminus \overline{\Gamma_D}\).

The solution \(u\) has the singularity at the points \(\{\gamma_1,\gamma_2\}=\overline{\Gamma_D}\cap\overline{\Gamma_N}\).

When \(\Omega=\{(x,y);\; -1<x<1,\, 0<y<1\}\), \(\Gamma_N=\{(x,y);\; -1\le x<0,\, y=0\}\), \(\Gamma_D=\p \Omega\setminus \Gamma_N\), the singularity will appear at \(\gamma_1=(0,0),\, \gamma_2(-1,0)\), and \(u\) has the expression:

\[u=K_iu_S + u_R,\, u_R\in H^2(\textrm{near }\gamma_i),\, i=1,2\]

with a constants \(K_i\).

Here \(u_S = r_j^{1/2}\sin(\theta_j/2)\) by the local polar coordinate \((r_j,\theta_j\) at \(\gamma_j\) such that \((r_1,\theta_1)=(r,\theta)\).

Instead of polar coordinate system \((r,\theta)\), we use that \(r\) = sqrt (\(x^2+y^2\)) and \(\theta\) = atan2 (\(y,x\)) in FreeFEM.

Assume that \(f=-2\times 30(x^2+y^2)\) and \(g=u_e=10(x^2+y^2)^{1/4}\sin\left([\tan^{-1}(y/x)]/2\right)+30(x^2y^2)\), where \(u_e\)S is the exact solution.

                                            1                            // Parameters                              2                            func              f              =              -              2              *              30              *              (              x              ^              2              +              y              ^              2              );              //given function                              3                            //the singular term of the solution is K*us (K: constant)                              4                            func              us              =              sin              (              atan2              (              y              ,              x              )              /              2              )              *              sqrt              (              sqrt              (              x              ^              2              +              y              ^              2              )              );                              5                            real              K              =              10.              ;                              6                            func              ue              =              K              *              us              +              30              *              (              x              ^              2              *              y              ^              2              );                              7                                            8                            // Mesh                              9                            border              N              (              t              =              0              ,              1              ){              x              =-              1              +              t              ;              y              =              0              ;              label              =              1              ;};              10                            border              D1              (              t              =              0              ,              1              ){              x              =              t              ;              y              =              0              ;              label              =              2              ;};              11                            border              D2              (              t              =              0              ,              1              ){              x              =              1              ;              y              =              t              ;              label              =              2              ;};              12                            border              D3              (              t              =              0              ,              2              ){              x              =              1              -              t              ;              y              =              1              ;              label              =              2              ;};              13                            border              D4              (              t              =              0              ,              1              ){              x              =-              1              ;              y              =              1              -              t              ;              label              =              2              ;};              14                            15                            mesh              T0h              =              buildmesh              (              N              (              10              )              +              D1              (              10              )              +              D2              (              10              )              +              D3              (              20              )              +              D4              (              10              ));              16                            plot              (              T0h              ,              wait              =              true              );              17                            18                            // Fespace              19                            fespace              V0h              (              T0h              ,              P1              );              20                            V0h              u0              ,              v0              ;              21                            22                            //Problem              23                            solve              Poisson0              (              u0              ,              v0              )              24                            =              int2d              (              T0h              )(              25                            dx              (              u0              )              *              dx              (              v0              )              26                            +              dy              (              u0              )              *              dy              (              v0              )              27                            )              28                            -              int2d              (              T0h              )(              29                            f              *              v0              30                            )              31                            +              on              (              2              ,              u0              =              ue              )              32                            ;              33                            34                            // Mesh adaptation by the singular term              35                            mesh              Th              =              adaptmesh              (              T0h              ,              us              );              36                            for              (              int              i              =              0              ;              i              <              5              ;              i              ++              )              37                            mesh              Th              =              adaptmesh              (              Th              ,              us              );              38                            39                            // Fespace              40                            fespace              Vh              (              Th              ,              P1              );              41                            Vh              u              ,              v              ;              42                            43                            // Problem              44                            solve              Poisson              (              u              ,              v              )              45                            =              int2d              (              Th              )(              46                            dx              (              u              )              *              dx              (              v              )              47                            +              dy              (              u              )              *              dy              (              v              )              48                            )              49                            -              int2d              (              Th              )(              50                            f              *              v              51                            )              52                            +              on              (              2              ,              u              =              ue              )              53                            ;              54                            55                            // Plot              56                            plot              (              Th              );              57                            plot              (              u              ,              wait              =              true              );              58                            59                            // Error in H1 norm              60                            Vh              uue              =              ue              ;              61                            real              H1e              =              sqrt              (              int2d              (              Th              )(              dx              (              uue              )              ^              2              +              dy              (              uue              )              ^              2              +              uue              ^              2              )              );              62                            Vh              err0              =              u0              -              ue              ;              63                            Vh              err              =              u              -              ue              ;              64                            Vh              H1err0              =              int2d              (              Th              )(              dx              (              err0              )              ^              2              +              dy              (              err0              )              ^              2              +              err0              ^              2              );              65                            Vh              H1err              =              int2d              (              Th              )(              dx              (              err              )              ^              2              +              dy              (              err              )              ^              2              +              err              ^              2              );              66                            cout              <<              "Relative error in first mesh = "              <<              int2d              (              Th              )(              H1err0              )              /              H1e              <<              endl              ;              67                            cout              <<              "Relative error in adaptive mesh = "              <<              int2d              (              Th              )(              H1err              )              /              H1e              <<              endl              ;            

From line 35 to 37, mesh adaptations are done using the base of singular term.

In line 61, H1e = \(|u_e|_{1,\Omega}\) is calculated.

In lines 64 and 65, the relative errors are calculated, that is:

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{rcl} \|u^0_h-u_e\|_{1,\Omega}/H1e&=&0.120421\\ \|u^a_h-u_e\|_{1,\Omega}/H1e&=&0.0150581 \end{array}\end{split}\]

where \(u^0_h\) is the numerical solution in T0h and \(u^a_h\) is u in this program.

Poisson with mixed finite element

Here we consider the Poisson equation with mixed boundary value problems:

For given functions \(f\) , \(g_d\), \(g_n\), find \(p\) such that

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{rcll} -\Delta p &=& 1 & \textrm{ in }\Omega\\ p &=& g_d & \textrm{ on }\Gamma_D\\ \p p/\p n &=& g_n & \textrm{ on }\Gamma_N \end{array}\end{split}\]

where \(\Gamma_D\) is a part of the boundary \(\Gamma\) and \(\Gamma_N=\Gamma\setminus \overline{\Gamma_D}\).

The mixed formulation is: find \(p\) and \(\mathbf{u}\) such that:

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{rcll} \nabla p + \mathbf{u} &=& \mathbf{0} & \textrm{ in }\Omega\\ \nabla. \mathbf{u} &=& f & \textrm{ in }\Omega\\ p &=& g_d & \textrm{ on }\Gamma_D\\ \p u. n &=& \mathbf{g}_n.n & \textrm{ on }\Gamma_N \end{array}\end{split}\]

where \(\mathbf{g}_n\) is a vector such that \(\mathbf{g}_n.n = g_n\).

The variational formulation is:

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{rcl} \forall \mathbf{v} \in \mathbb{V}_0: & \int_\Omega p \nabla.v + \mathbf{v} \mathbf{v} &= \int_{\Gamma_d} g_d \mathbf{v}.n\\ \forall {q} \in \mathbb{P}: & \int_\Omega q \nabla.u &= \int_\Omega q f\nonumber\\ & \p u. n &= \mathbf{g}_n.n \quad \textrm{on }\Gamma_N \end{array}\end{split}\]

where the functional space are:

\[\mathbb{P}= L^2(\Omega), \qquad\mathbb{V}= H(div)=\{\mathbf{v}\in L^2(\Omega)^2,\nabla.\mathbf{v}\in L^2(\Omega)\}\]


\[\mathbb{V}_0 = \{\mathbf{v}\in \mathbb{V};\quad\mathbf{v}. n = 0 \quad\mathrm{on }\;\;\Gamma_N\}\]

To write the FreeFEM example, we have just to choose the finites elements spaces.

Here \(\mathbb{V}\) space is discretize with Raviart-Thomas finite element RT0 and \(\mathbb{P}\) is discretize by constant finite element P0 .

Example 9.10 LaplaceRT.edp

                                            1                            // Parameters                              2                            func              gd              =              1.              ;                              3                            func              g1n              =              1.              ;                              4                            func              g2n              =              1.              ;                              5                                            6                            // Mesh                              7                            mesh              Th              =              square              (              10              ,              10              );                              8                                            9                            // Fespace              10                            fespace              Vh              (              Th              ,              RT0              );              11                            Vh              [              u1              ,              u2              ];              12                            Vh              [              v1              ,              v2              ];              13                            14                            fespace              Ph              (              Th              ,              P0              );              15                            Ph              p              ,              q              ;              16                            17                            // Problem              18                            problem              laplaceMixte              ([              u1              ,              u2              ,              p              ],              [              v1              ,              v2              ,              q              ],              solver              =              GMRES              ,              eps              =              1.0e-10              ,              tgv              =              1e30              ,              dimKrylov              =              150              )              19                            =              int2d              (              Th              )(              20                            p              *              q              *              1e-15              //this term is here to be sure              21                            // that all sub matrix are inversible (LU requirement)              22                            +              u1              *              v1              23                            +              u2              *              v2              24                            +              p              *              (              dx              (              v1              )              +              dy              (              v2              ))              25                            +              (              dx              (              u1              )              +              dy              (              u2              ))              *              q              26                            )              27                            +              int2d              (              Th              )              (              28                            q              29                            )              30                            -              int1d              (              Th              ,              1              ,              2              ,              3              )(              31                            gd              *              (              v1              *              N              .              x              +              v2              *              N              .              y              )              32                            )              33                            +              on              (              4              ,              u1              =              g1n              ,              u2              =              g2n              )              34                            ;              35                            36                            // Solve              37                            laplaceMixte              ;              38                            39                            // Plot              40                            plot              ([              u1              ,              u2              ],              coef              =              0.1              ,              wait              =              true              ,              value              =              true              );              41                            plot              (              p              ,              fill              =              1              ,              wait              =              true              ,              value              =              true              );            

Metric Adaptation and residual error indicator

We do metric mesh adaption and compute the classical residual error indicator \(\eta_{T}\) on the element \(T\) for the Poisson problem.

First, we solve the same problem as in a previous example.

                                            1                            // Parameters                              2                            real              [              int              ]              viso              (              21              );                              3                            for              (              int              i              =              0              ;              i              <              viso              .              n              ;              i              ++              )                              4                            viso              [              i              ]              =              10.              ^              (              +              (              i              -              16.              )              /              2.              );                              5                            real              error              =              0.01              ;                              6                            func              f              =              (              x              -              y              );                              7                                            8                            // Mesh                              9                            border              ba              (              t              =              0              ,              1.0              ){              x              =              t              ;              y              =              0              ;              label              =              1              ;}              10                            border              bb              (              t              =              0              ,              0.5              ){              x              =              1              ;              y              =              t              ;              label              =              2              ;}              11                            border              bc              (              t              =              0              ,              0.5              ){              x              =              1              -              t              ;              y              =              0.5              ;              label              =              3              ;}              12                            border              bd              (              t              =              0.5              ,              1              ){              x              =              0.5              ;              y              =              t              ;              label              =              4              ;}              13                            border              be              (              t              =              0.5              ,              1              ){              x              =              1              -              t              ;              y              =              1              ;              label              =              5              ;}              14                            border              bf              (              t              =              0.0              ,              1              ){              x              =              0              ;              y              =              1              -              t              ;              label              =              6              ;}              15                            mesh              Th              =              buildmesh              (              ba              (              6              )              +              bb              (              4              )              +              bc              (              4              )              +              bd              (              4              )              +              be              (              4              )              +              bf              (              6              ));              16                            17                            // Fespace              18                            fespace              Vh              (              Th              ,              P2              );              19                            Vh              u              ,              v              ;              20                            21                            fespace              Nh              (              Th              ,              P0              );              22                            Nh              rho              ;              23                            24                            // Problem              25                            problem              Probem1              (              u              ,              v              ,              solver              =              CG              ,              eps              =              1.0e-6              )              26                            =              int2d              (              Th              ,              qforder              =              5              )(              27                            u              *              v              *              1.0e-10              28                            +              dx              (              u              )              *              dx              (              v              )              29                            +              dy              (              u              )              *              dy              (              v              )              30                            )              31                            +              int2d              (              Th              ,              qforder              =              5              )(              32                            -              f              *              v              33                            )              34                            ;            

Now, the local error indicator \(\eta_{T}\) is:

\[\eta_{T} =\left( h_{T}^{2} || f + \Delta u_{{h}} ||_{L^{2}(T)}^{2} +\sum_{e\in \mathcal{E}_{K}} h_{e} \,||\, [ \frac{\p u_{h}}{\p n_{k}}] \,||^{2}_{L^{2}(e)} \right)^{\frac{1}{2}}\]

where \(h_{T}\) is the longest edge of \(T\), \({\cal E}_T\) is the set of \(T\) edge not on \(\Gamma=\p \Omega\), \(n_{T}\) is the outside unit normal to \(K\), \(h_{e}\) is the length of edge \(e\), \([ g ]\) is the jump of the function \(g\) across edge (left value minus right value).

Of course, we can use a variational form to compute \(\eta_{T}^{2}\), with test function constant function in each triangle.

                                            1                            // Error                              2                            varf              indicator2              (              uu              ,              chiK              )                              3                            =              intalledges              (              Th              )(                              4                            chiK              *              lenEdge              *              square              (              jump              (              N              .              x              *              dx              (              u              )              +              N              .              y              *              dy              (              u              )))                              5                            )                              6                            +              int2d              (              Th              )(                              7                            chiK              *              square              (              hTriangle              *              (              f              +              dxx              (              u              )              +              dyy              (              u              )))                              8                            )                              9                            ;              10                            11                            // Mesh adaptation loop              12                            for              (              int              i              =              0              ;              i              <              4              ;              i              ++              ){              13                            // Solve              14                            Probem1              ;              15                            cout              <<              u              [].              min              <<              " "              <<              u              [].              max              <<              endl              ;              16                            plot              (              u              ,              wait              =              true              );              17                            18                            // Error              19                            rho              []              =              indicator2              (              0              ,              Nh              );              20                            rho              =              sqrt              (              rho              );              21                            cout              <<              "rho = min "              <<              rho              [].              min              <<              " max="              <<              rho              [].              max              <<              endl              ;              22                            plot              (              rho              ,              fill              =              true              ,              wait              =              true              ,              cmm              =              "indicator density"              ,              value              =              true              ,              viso              =              viso              ,              nbiso              =              viso              .              n              );              23                            24                            // Mesh adaptation              25                            plot              (              Th              ,              wait              =              true              ,              cmm              =              "Mesh (before adaptation)"              );              26                            Th              =              adaptmesh              (              Th              ,              [              dx              (              u              ),              dy              (              u              )],              err              =              error              ,              anisomax              =              1              );              27                            plot              (              Th              ,              wait              =              true              ,              cmm              =              "Mesh (after adaptation)"              );              28                            u              =              u              ;              29                            rho              =              rho              ;              30                            error              =              error              /              2              ;              31                            }            

If the method is correct, we expect to look the graphics by an almost constant function \(\eta\) on your computer as in Fig. 144 and Fig. 145.


Fig. 144 Density of the error indicator with isotropic \(P_{2}\) metric


Fig. 145 Density of the error indicator with isotropic \(P_{2}\) metric

Adaptation using residual error indicator

In the previous example we compute the error indicator, now we use it, to adapt the mesh. The new mesh size is given by the following formulae:

\[h_{n+1}(x) = \frac{h_{n}(x)}{f_{n}(\eta_K(x))}\]

where \(\eta_n(x)\) is the level of error at point \(x\) given by the local error indicator, \(h_n\) is the previous "mesh size" field, and \(f_n\) is a user function define by \(f_n = min(3,max(1/3,\eta_n / \eta_n^* ))\) where \(\eta_n^* = mean(\eta_n) c\), and \(c\) is an user coefficient generally close to one.

First a macro MeshSizecomputation is defined to get a \(P_1\) mesh size as the average of edge length.

                                            1                            // macro the get the current mesh size parameter                              2                            // in:                              3                            // Th the mesh                              4                            // Vh P1 fespace on Th                              5                            // out :                              6                            // h: the Vh finite element finite set to the current mesh size                              7                            macro              MeshSizecomputation              (              Th              ,              Vh              ,              h              )                              8                            {                              9                            real              [              int              ]              count              (              Th              .              nv              );              10                            /*mesh size (lenEdge = integral(e) 1 ds)*/              11                            varf              vmeshsizen              (              u              ,              v              )              =              intalledges              (              Th              ,              qfnbpE              =              1              )(              v              );              12                            /*number of edges per vertex*/              13                            varf              vedgecount              (              u              ,              v              )              =              intalledges              (              Th              ,              qfnbpE              =              1              )(              v              /              lenEdge              );              14                            /*mesh size*/              15                            count              =              vedgecount              (              0              ,              Vh              );              16                            h              []              =              0.              ;              17                            h              []              =              vmeshsizen              (              0              ,              Vh              );              18                            cout              <<              "count min = "              <<              count              .              min              <<              " max = "              <<              count              .              max              <<              endl              ;              19                            h              []              =              h              [].              /              count              ;              20                            cout              <<              "-- bound meshsize = "              <<              h              [].              min              <<              " "              <<              h              [].              max              <<              endl              ;              21                            }              //            

A second macro to re-mesh according to the new mesh size.

                                            1                            // macro to remesh according the de residual indicator                              2                            // in:                              3                            // Th the mesh                              4                            // Ph P0 fespace on Th                              5                            // Vh P1 fespace on Th                              6                            // vindicator the varf to evaluate the indicator                              7                            // coef on etameam                              8                            macro              ReMeshIndicator              (              Th              ,              Ph              ,              Vh              ,              vindicator              ,              coef              )                              9                            {              10                            Vh              h              =              0              ;              11                            /*evaluate the mesh size*/              12                            MeshSizecomputation              (              Th              ,              Vh              ,              h              );              13                            Ph              etak              ;              14                            etak              []              =              vindicator              (              0              ,              Ph              );              15                            etak              []              =              sqrt              (              etak              []);              16                            real              etastar              =              coef              *              (              etak              [].              sum              /              etak              [].              n              );              17                            cout              <<              "etastar = "              <<              etastar              <<              " sum = "              <<              etak              [].              sum              <<              " "              <<              endl              ;              18                            19                            /*etaK is discontinous*/              20                            /*we use P1 L2 projection with mass lumping*/              21                            Vh              fn              ,              sigma              ;              22                            varf              veta              (              unused              ,              v              )              =              int2d              (              Th              )(              etak              *              v              );              23                            varf              vun              (              unused              ,              v              )              =              int2d              (              Th              )(              1              *              v              );              24                            fn              []              =              veta              (              0              ,              Vh              );              25                            sigma              []              =              vun              (              0              ,              Vh              );              26                            fn              []              =              fn              [].              /              sigma              [];              27                            fn              =              max              (              min              (              fn              /              etastar              ,              3.              ),              0.3333              );              28                            29                            /*new mesh size*/              30                            h              =              h              /              fn              ;              31                            /*build the mesh*/              32                            Th              =              adaptmesh              (              Th              ,              IsMetric              =              1              ,              h              ,              splitpbedge              =              1              ,              nbvx              =              10000              );              33                            }              //            
                                            1                            // Parameters                              2                            real              hinit              =              0.2              ;              //initial mesh size                              3                            func              f              =              (              x              -              y              );                              4                                            5                            // Mesh                              6                            border              ba              (              t              =              0              ,              1.0              ){              x              =              t              ;              y              =              0              ;              label              =              1              ;}                              7                            border              bb              (              t              =              0              ,              0.5              ){              x              =              1              ;              y              =              t              ;              label              =              2              ;}                              8                            border              bc              (              t              =              0              ,              0.5              ){              x              =              1              -              t              ;              y              =              0.5              ;              label              =              3              ;}                              9                            border              bd              (              t              =              0.5              ,              1              ){              x              =              0.5              ;              y              =              t              ;              label              =              4              ;}              10                            border              be              (              t              =              0.5              ,              1              ){              x              =              1              -              t              ;              y              =              1              ;              label              =              5              ;}              11                            border              bf              (              t              =              0.0              ,              1              ){              x              =              0              ;              y              =              1              -              t              ;              label              =              6              ;}              12                            mesh              Th              =              buildmesh              (              ba              (              6              )              +              bb              (              4              )              +              bc              (              4              )              +              bd              (              4              )              +              be              (              4              )              +              bf              (              6              ));              13                            14                            // Fespace              15                            fespace              Vh              (              Th              ,              P1              );              //for the mesh size and solution              16                            Vh              h              =              hinit              ;              //the FE function for the mesh size              17                            Vh              u              ,              v              ;              18                            19                            fespace              Ph              (              Th              ,              P0              );              //for the error indicator              20                            21                            //Build a mesh with the given mesh size hinit              22                            Th              =              adaptmesh              (              Th              ,              h              ,              IsMetric              =              1              ,              splitpbedge              =              1              ,              nbvx              =              10000              );              23                            plot              (              Th              ,              wait              =              1              );              24                            25                            // Problem              26                            problem              Poisson              (              u              ,              v              )              27                            =              int2d              (              Th              ,              qforder              =              5              )(              28                            u              *              v              *              1.0e-10              29                            +              dx              (              u              )              *              dx              (              v              )              30                            +              dy              (              u              )              *              dy              (              v              )              31                            )              32                            -              int2d              (              Th              ,              qforder              =              5              )(              33                            f              *              v              34                            )              35                            ;              36                            37                            varf              indicator2              (              unused              ,              chiK              )              38                            =              intalledges              (              Th              )(              39                            chiK              *              lenEdge              *              square              (              jump              (              N              .              x              *              dx              (              u              )              +              N              .              y              *              dy              (              u              )))              40                            )              41                            +              int2d              (              Th              )(              42                            chiK              *              square              (              hTriangle              *              (              f              +              dxx              (              u              )              +              dyy              (              u              )))              43                            )              44                            ;              45                            46                            // Mesh adaptation loop              47                            for              (              int              i              =              0              ;              i              <              10              ;              i              ++              ){              48                            u              =              u              ;              49                            50                            // Solve              51                            Poisson              ;              52                            plot              (              Th              ,              u              ,              wait              =              true              );              53                            54                            real              cc              =              0.8              ;              55                            if              (              i              >              5              )              cc              =              1              ;              56                            ReMeshIndicator              (              Th              ,              Ph              ,              Vh              ,              indicator2              ,              cc              );              57                            plot              (              Th              ,              wait              =              true              );              58                            }            

Fig. 146 The error indicator with isotropic \(P_{1}\)


Fig. 147 The mesh and isovalue of the solution


Source: https://doc.freefem.org/models/static-problems.html

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