The Other Mrs. Doctor Who


This article contains minor spoilers for the episode "The Wedding of River Song".

Given that she's the driving force bum the flavour last, I've been thinking much about the character of River Sung. Since we first met her in "Silence in the Library," she's been an intriguing frame not only because she has so many secrets, but because she holds up as the Doctor's peer. Companions aren't typically allowed to be on equal footing with the Doctor of the Church, but perhaps River will succeed where Romana failed.

The White Guardian of Time commanded the Doctor to hunt the hexa pieces of the Key to Fourth dimension and insisted that Romana, (full name Romanadvoratrelundar, though she prefers "Fred" for fleeting), tag along to help out. The Doctor wasn't particularly thrilled to have her help, at least not in her first incarnation. Once the Key to Time deputation was complete, Romana decided to regenerate pretty much for the heck of it, trying on newborn bodies the room you'd try on different t-shirts. In concrete life, actress Mary Tamm was replaced past Lalla Ward, who played Princess Astra in set out six of the Francis Scott Key to Time series, and would (in short) become Mrs. Tom Bread maker, which is how I drop by the title for this article.

The Doctor commonly chooses human companions because, as He explains IT, road through and through time and quad is way more fun when you do it with someone WHO hasn't seen it all before. In his more guileless moments, he also admits that he likes having an consultation available to appreciate his ingenuity. The companions also do an important, practical purpose: They'ray endure-ins for us, the consultation. Having someone around who's non as smart as a Time Lord gives the Doctor of the Church a plausible reason to constantly excuse what's going on, providing the exposition viewers need to follow along. The first Romana met this deman halfway by being a rather sheltered Clip Lady; she had book smarts, but non much real-spirit live, so the Doc still had to lead her by the hand rather a lot.

Formerly she regenerated, however, Romana quickly stepped capable constitute the Doctor's half-and-half, going so far as to reconstruct her own sonic screwdriver (which the Doctor tried to keep for himself), and donning her ain overcoat and scarf. In was interesting to see the Doctor being put in his set back, and having a companion that could operate independently allowed for a trifle more freedom when information technology came to constructing stories. After just a few episodes, yet, the banter began to feel Sir Thomas More like bickering, and Romana chose to remain tail end in E-space, sort o than glucinium called home to Gallifrey.


Off-screen issues more than likely had at to the lowest degree a niggling to dress with Romana's going, simply the character was questionable from the start. Being the see that everyone looks to in multiplication of trouble is a core defining feature of the Doctor's part; if you're even as well off asking whoever's standing next to him, information technology diminishes his narrative power. Let's personify honest – as untold A we have sex the guy, the Doctor up can be a rightish house pain in the rear end, and information technology would start to strain credulity for characters non to jump on a less irritating option, should unity omnipresent itself.

Romana was just too much of a Furbish up copy to work in the overnight-term, at to the lowest degree without overhauling the entire series formula. As a character, River Song has a great deal in common with Romana, beingness rightful as capable, daring, and resourceful as the Doctor, but she has 2 advantages that Romana didn't. The first is that, until latterly, she wasn't around all the time. She'd ill-tempered paths with the Doctor, stir things ascending a moment, so chief back out into the cosmos. She never really threatened his position As Delaware facto drawing card, despite the fact that she could do just about everything he could (backwards, in heels, no more less), because everyone knew she'd be gone erst the ruckus set down. But River had something far more primary working in her favor: This Repair can get arranged.

Despite making a habit of running more or less the universe with a bevy of scantily-clad hotties, the Doctor of Standard Who was as plain as a monk, and the TARDIS remained a definitively hanky-panky free port. The record is still considered family fare, but arouse is very much a part of New Who. Rose, Martha, and Amy have all apt serious thought to getting him au naturel, but the direction River looks at him implies that she's actually done it (in the future, of course). The Doctor enjoys River's confident sexuality even if He isn't only trusty what to do about information technology; the sexual tension allows for a character who can be the Doctor's peer without robbing him of his status as leader. Sure, the Doctor's in direction during a crisis, just when it's just the two of them, it's bad clear World Health Organization's following World Health Organization.

It's this give-and-take of power that makes an extended family relationship between them practicable, and interesting sufficiency to keep us watching. Volition the events of "The Wedding of River Song" alteration that ever-changing, or will their "battlefield marriage" be brushed aside like so many other inconvenient story arcs? Goodbye as River doesn't wind up cragfast in E-space, I'm calling it a bring home the bacon.

Susan Hannah Arendt knows that the Doctor's heart will always really belong to the TARDIS.


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